5 Awesome Ways to Monetize Your Podcast

How to Monetize Your Podcast (1)

If you’re like most people these days, you probably listen to a fair number of podcasts. From commuting and doing chores to hitting the treadmill or blocking out co-workers at the office, there’s no shortage of opportunities to listen to a podcast on your favorite subject.

If you’ve got a little more hustle than most people, you’ve recognized that this is an enormous opportunity to start your own podcast and maybe make a little extra cash in the process. It won’t be easy, but it can definitely be done.

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Reducing Customer Churn: Understanding & Improving Your Churn Rate

Reducing Customer Churn- Understanding & Improving Your Churn Rate

For businesses that rely on a recurring or subscription service model, customer churn is a serious issue. Churn, or customer attrition, occurs when customers or subscribers cancel your service or let their subscriptions lapse – no small problem when one considers that the cost of generating new customers is five times that of retaining an old one.

All things considered, reducing churn rate (the percentage of total customers who drop off in a given time period) should be a major priority for anyone with a subscription service model.

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Subscription DNA is a Great Choice for Alarm & Security Companies Who Want to Automate Billing

Recurring Billing Software for Alarm & Security CompaniesThe security alarm industry is one that’s worth about $23 billion, according to the market research group IBISWorld, with annual growth approaching 5% and over 50,000 businesses in the market. If you’re in the security alarm business, that brings good news and bad.

The good news? The market is plenty robust and offers a lot of room for expansion. The bad news? There are plenty of competitors, large and small, all looking to get their share of the pie as well. That means you need every tool you have to stay on top of your game and edge out the competition.

On simple way to streamline your business and improve efficiency, necessary steps to staying competitive, is buy automating the customer billing and accounts receivable processes with recurring billing software.

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Get Awesome Gym Membership Management & Billing Software with Subscription DNA

Gym Membership Management & Billing -with Subscription DNA (1)

A lot gets made these days about the rise of the so-called “subscription economy,” and what that means for business owners in a variety of industries as diverse as groceries and toiletries. But one industry that’s been wise to the benefits of the subscription model for ages is gyms and other health clubs. People pay a monthly fee in exchange for access to the gym space. Easy!

If you run a gym or health club, you know that it has plenty of challenges as it is (finding the right clients, finding the right trainers, finding the right location). So the last thing you should have to worry about is membership tracking and billing. That’s where good gym membership management software comes in.

Luckily for you, Subscription DNA is a membership management platform that’s as tough as your biggest gym rats, and just as willing to do your business’s heavy lifting.

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What is Drip Marketing? Drip Campaign Tips & Examples

A drip splashing in a pool of water.Marketing is one of the most important jobs a business owner has. Even the best product or service in the world won’t be good for much if no one knows about it! Modern marketing strategies need to be comprehensive – with social media, content marketing, search marketing, direct marketing, traditional marketing, and more working together to create a consistent and compelling brand narrative.

One marketing tactic that’s too often overlooked is drip marketing. Drip marketing is an automated sales process that involves regular, personal pitches to leads and sales prospects over time, usually via email. When done correctly and with the right tools, drip marketing can be a cornerstone of your business’s marketing efforts.

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